It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Were on our way, on our way to Ingrids farm.....

When Mommas have nothing but time on their hands (and all you mommas know the surplus of time that we have) and they sit around eating Bon Bons and watching Oprah (remember....she retired her show:)  great ideas produce themselves!

3 Mommas...
6 Children....
A summer holiday (6 short weeks)

and the Brilliant idea to get in touch with nature....

A journey of connecting and discovering and the continuation of writing our life stories as we cultivate a relationship with Nature.

And the list was made and the miles planned...

First Stop

"Ingrid's Farm!"

We decided we would start with a short trip!  A 1 hour drive to be exact!  We were out of practice and thought that it would be best if we tested our packing skills before we embarked on the "Mother of a Journey".

It was the last day of school and the bags were packed....The Mommas were off to gather up their beautiful offspring and head north.....

The last door slammed, the horn honked, the Mommas cheered, the offspring jeered and
down the road we went....

Oh dear...I forgot the food....
Oh dear... I forgot the car seat....
Oh dear, Oh dear....

One hour late and some anxiously awaiting offspring on the other end...we made it to the farm.

From sun up to sun down the children played and connected, explored and discovered....

There were no electronics!

Pure Creativity and Adventure....

It was BEAUTIFUL....

A perfect beginning to What will be the best summer Adventures EVER!
A perfect beginning to embracing Nature and allowing it to fill our souls in the deepest parts, transforming us in ways yet to be known!

Monday, July 11, 2011

BaKiNg BrEaD

The first ahhhhhhhh! moment that I embraced as a celebration of  the completion of a long busy six months was....

 BaKiNg BrEaD! 

The dough groweth over!

Our dear friend (she is an amazing baker) posted a wonderful picture of her bread that she baked!
A few of us girls were inspired so we invited ourselves over to learn how to produce something so enticingly delicious!


It was a beautiful day!  The sun was shining and the birds were singing.
A day of connecting and spending time catching up! 

Making the perfect round shape!

A time of learning something new beyond a bread recipe! 
It was a time of children's laughter and the smell of Spring and freshness! 
 It was a day that represented "newness"! 

The end of one season and the beginning of another.

And what a better way to celebrate a new season of life than with wonderful women coming together to build relationships and enjoy each others company...

AND the bread was scrumpdeliciciosous
Fresh out of the oven with butter....who could ask for a better treat! 

Warm Buns...Melted Butter...YUM!

Hot, Fresh Homemade Buns

I am sure that other than our wonderful teacher....

Teaching the girls how to knead dough!

 none of us have baked bread since our bread baking lesson but the time we spent together was far more enriching than the flour we used!

History and Heritage Rekindled!