It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1

Friday, April 1, 2011

Words...What Are Those?

WoW!  The last time I connected with you beautiful and lovely friends was February 8th.....
Where does the time go?

Agghhh!!  I am a little rusty at this..  I could however write a behavior/treatment plan for you!

This year has been amazing and full.  As I started this year there were a few new endeavors I embarked on. 
I committed to pushing through the first six months of this year to finish my 2 year program in Child and Youth Care Work.  What this mean for me was 3 courses and 30 hours of practicum in an INTENSIVE Residential Treatment Home working with youth age12- 177/8.  This journey began in January and will be complete in June.

With this choice came sacrifice!  I had to set aside what I was doing and loved doing and follow in obedience to my calling.  Boy was that hard.  It has been tough.  It has challenged me on so many levels but most amazingly His hand has been on me through this entire experience.  I love is moving and encouraging.

In January as my dear friend Jodi and I were sharing our stories and ideas ( I love when that happens) she shared with me that she was choosing a word for the year.  I was inspired and chose a word as well....

Providence (No this was not my word if you can believe it) Moment....
At my practicum placement on my first day we participated in a team building activity.  We were to create a piece of art to represent the word (an ethic) that the therapist assigned us!  These pieces of art would be used in the treatment of the youth in our house.

The word I was assigned was the word I previously chose to be my word of the year....

This is my piece of Art that I created that hangs in the house where I am practicing changing lives.  It is a word that I hold dear to my heart because with out diligence I would not be where I am today.
This word is written in the top margin of my blackberry (an agenda with a black plastic cover..HEHE) as a reminder to be diligent in my calling knowing that I am on a journey that is far beyond myself. 

These are the creations of my colleagues....
It was amazing to see how each of us designed our pieces so differently.  I wallowed in the beauty of our difference as it reminded me that we are all created for a purpose and it is a celebration to embrace....