be·lieve [bih-leev] verb, be·lieved, be·liev·ing.
verb (used without object)
1.to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so: Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully.
verb (used with object)
2.to have confidence or faith in the truth of (a positive assertion, story, etc.); give credence to.
3.to have confidence in the assertions of (a person).
4.to have a conviction that (a person or thing) is, has been, or will be engaged in a given action or involved in a given situation:
5.to suppose or assume; understand (usually followed by a noun clause):
This week as I chose to BELIEVE it has been amazing to see the wonders unfolding so brilliantly around me.
~I BELIEVE and chose to communicate with an artist who was on her way to Manila with Full Circle Exchange. A complete stranger but a calling in my heart. I BELIEVED my words were valuable and I used them to encourage her and lift her up as she journeyed toward this moment of pouring out LOVE on these women who were/are in bondage to slavery…. NO expectations, just words to give….and she gave me words back.
Expectations kill relationships.
Without expectations what can topple the surprising wonder of the moment?
~Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts
And what a wonderful moment this exchange of words was!
~I BELEIVE and chose to communicate with an author/social justice seeker AKA Culture Rebel who pursues rebelling against the status quo to defeat poverty and injustice. She answered my question and a brief conversation ensued. A conversation about things that really matter.
When I am open so much good comes rushing in and my soul is stirred.
When I am closed I leave little room for Beauty to enter.
~I BELIEVE in a project that I feel called to. I am working with another sweet friend who is forging a path for change. Because of this role I have to BELEIVE that I have what it takes and that my words and desires matter. This week my task was to seek people who could help answer some questions in regards to how to move forward with the project.
I risked.
I Dared Greatly.
I was courageous.
I made the contacts and I was left astounded at the responses I received back.
~In the mail we received a package….
In it….treasures….each of my Alberta Tas Philas favorite things given to me….
precious and uplifting, encouraging.
BELIEVE friendships.
BELIEVE I belong.
And my 3rd born….
he was playing with his best friend ever….
because relationships matter…
we matter….
~A little boy…terminal…days to live the doctors say…LIVING and raising his arm, skin and bones, tubes and tape…in worship….to Jehova Rophe..BELIEVING that those days have passed and death will be defeated. Christians Fight being fought and each little step is a step of HOPE a step toward LIFE.
~BELIEVE beauty in the broken as I speak to women on the phone. Encouraging them to join our Bible study at Second Mile Mission Center.
BELIEVE they matter!
~Gave a sweet, tender teen girl time. Entered into a conversation with her encouraging her by telling her she was a kind, sweet,well mannered girl. She allowed herself to be vulnerable and share her story with me. A story of rejection, brokeness, seeking, searching, hoping! I shared with her.
BELIEVE stories are necessary.
BELIEVE grace.
BELIEVE healing.
BELIEVE vulnerable is strong.
I embraced this week seeing with clarity, veils pulled back.
This week as I chose to BELIEVE…
Seeing Freedom.
My soul awakened to so much more.
BELIEVING the desires of my heart and moving toward those desires.
What did you BELIEVE in order to see with veils pulled back this week?
What amazing wonders unfolded brilliantly for you?
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Photo courtesy of Jodene Shaw Mixed Media Art &Photography http://www.jodeneshaw.blogspot.com http://www.etsy.com/Shop/JodeneShaw |
To Believe is to Trust…
To Trust is to see Clearly….
**Please click on the brown throughout the post to link and read more***
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